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Certificate Course in Personal Fitness Training - CCPFT

Gayo Admin
1 Student enrolled
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The CCPFT is a vocational course for personal fitness trainers. It is approved and certificated by and through the University of Mumbai vide # Aff No / ICD / 16-17 / 1370 dt Oct 20 2017.

It is jointly conducted by Gāyo and BPCA’s College of Physical Education (BPCACPE) which is permanently affiliated to the University of Mumbai accredited in Grade “A” by the National Assessment and Accreditation Commission (NAAC), Government of India. NAAC is the highest central body that accredits higher education in the Indian Universities.

The CCPFT comprises:

  • Level 3 personal fitness trainer course certified by GAYO Fitness Academy
  • Level 4 personal fitness trainer course certified jointly by GAYO and BPCAPE through the University of Mumbai.

The CCPFT is not only one of the most comprehensive personal trainer courses in the world, it is the only one in India to be approved and certificated through a leading Indian University AND internationally accredited
@ Level 4 by Europe Active’s EREPS, Brussels.

The CCPFT also qualifies the certificate holder to an UPSKILLING test in Dubai for the Focus Awards (UK) Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training that in turn also leads to UAE REPS Category A personal trainer card. IQ Lifestyle (UAE & UK) is our Education & Training Partner in Dubai, who will conduct the Upskilling.

This personal trainer course has 2 parts:
i) Level 3 – Gayo Fitness Academy certification with syllabus as per Mumbai Univ and EREPS Level 4 standards.
ii) Level 4 – Gayo Fitness Academy certification issued jointly with BPCACPE, approved and certificated through University of Mumbai.

Both courses are aligned with Skills India / SPEFL-SC NSQF Level 4 (RPL)

Our composite Level 3 and 4 course is EREPS Level 4.
– CCPFT is accepted in 50 countries including UAE, UK, Europe, etc. However, local exam may need to be given.
– Fully qualifies for UAE REPS Cat “A” Personal Trainer card – provisional (on visitor visa) and regular (on Emirates ID)

CCPFT certificate holders who have completed both Levels 3 and 4 qualify for –

  • EREPS Level 4 personal trainer certificate
  • By virtue of the QUALIFICATION certificate – CCPFT – and the ACCREDITATION certificate – EREPS Level 4 – CCPFT qualifies the certificate holder for UAE REPS Category A personal trainer card.
    Please note that the UAE REPS Category Acard will be awarded only if the student has an Emirates Card or ID while a provisional card will be awarded to the student ion a visitor’s visa.
  • Skills India NSQF Level 4 (RPL) offers course credits under the New National Education Policy (2022). It may also facilitate quicker processing of bank loans for purpose of starting a business in fitness, etc.
Students at end of Valedictory Ceremony of recent CCPFT batch in Kerala.

Here’s why CCPFT is considered to be unique:

  • Comprehensive course syllabus – both practical and theoretical. By the end of the course, you will master the 16 types of fitness goals and the 8 general categories of training methodologies. You thus have a market potential of 128 types of clients!
  • Some of the best faculty in the country will teach you. Many of them are now trained and certified by Focus Awards (UK) as Level 3 Tutors, Assessors and Internal Quality Assurers..
  • Teaching is supported by a mindboggling library of Learning Resources – over 15 eBOOKS and nearly 1,100 exercise videos!
  • The teaching is through approximately 50 online webinars, home study & assignments and, finally, in-person classroom teaching. Online webinars and in-person teaching are internationally considered to be “face-to-face” knowledge delivery.
  • Gāyo has always been reputed for – free of cost – post-enrolment and post-certification mentoring and guidance in academic and professional spaces.
  • Gāyo helps build careers – not just jobs.
  • This open job and career opportunities in the Indian private and government sectors as also in about 50 overseas markets.


– Level 3 GAYO Course: ₹40,000 + GST – (Additional)
– Level 4 Mumbai U Course: ₹20,000 + GST (After completing Level 3)
– Skills India RPL / EREPS Level 4: Extra fee

*Fees are liable to change without prior notice. Please check for updated fee list.

Students wanting to enrol to CCPFT must –
For Level 3:

  1. Must hold 10 + 2 years of schooling – that is: High School examination passing certificate
  2. Must be over 18 years of age
  3. Must be physically and medically fit
  4. Must have passion for fitness / sport
  5. Physically Challenged persons can apply if they have exposure to fitness / sport
  6. BEFORE FINAL EXAMINATION, must attend and be certified in First Aid & CPR with AED

For Level 4

  1. Must hold GAYO’s Fitness Trainer Level 3 as identified in the EuropeActive EQF Level 3 Fitness Instructor standards in the following areas –
    • Role of the PT
    • Functional Anatomy and Physiology
    • Physiology
    • Nutrition
    • Psychosocial Aspects of Health and Fitness
    • Health and Fitness Assessment: Collecting and Analysing Information
    • Training Adaptation and Exercise Planning Programming and Delivery
    • Business and Marketing Skills for Personal Trainers
  2. Course delivery is bilingual, however students ought to have working knowledge of English
  3. Psychometric tests are proposed starting June 1, 2024.

For EREPS Level 4 certificate, the student must hold –
a. Level 4 CCPFT Mumbai University certificate and have an “O” grade (70% or higher) in the course examinations AND
b. the Skills India NSQF Level 4 (RPL) certificate. The latter certificate is awarded by Skills India – National Skills Development Corporation Ltd. (NSDC) a Government of India organization, after the student passes an exam. Please note that EREPS and the Sports, Physical Ed, Fitness and Leisure Sector Council (SPEFL-SC) within the Skills India – NSDC have entered into a partnership to form and manage I-REPS.

Bulgarian DB Lunges by Dr. Francesca Fesheila Tan, MBBS


Currently CCPFT is BEING OFFERED AS BLENDED COURSE – that is, it comprises:

  1. Online WEBINARS (face-to-face) supported with PPTs with training videos
  2. GUIDED home study / practice on basis of 1,100 exercise videos
  4. IN-PERSON (face-to-face) education & training
    • All knowledge delivery is BI-LINGUAL: in English and the Indian “regional” language –
      1. Assamese
      2. Bengali
      3. Gujarati
      4. Hindi
      5. Kannada
      6. Malayalam
      7. Marathi
      8. Odiya
      9. Tamil
      10. Telugu
    • Classroom – face-to-face – Teaching is done with the help of audio-visual equipment. Power point presentation slides are also provided to the students (in addition to the textbooks and DVDs).
    • Online Learning is conducted on Zoom. The total number of hours is about 150. Zoom recordings are uploaded on YouTube the links of which are shared with the students.
    • In Practical Training, students are grouped in small batches and then taught main exercises keeping in mind that the student will ultimately have to teach it to his / her client.
    • Lesson Plans: Faculty members are strongly advised to prepare lesson plans in advance.
    • Class strength: To the extent possible, Theory lectures are presented to batches with not more than 25 students. Practical training is imparted to groups of not more than 20 students. University of Mumbai has no limit on the class strength.
    • Classroom layout is normally “auditorium” while we prefer to impart practical training to students who are seated in “horse-shoe” layout.
    • Self-study: Most CCPFT batches run thrice-weekly. The students have thus the opportunity to study / revise / practice during the week. Two hours per weekday is recommended. In between delivery Modules, 10 hours are invested in student interaction and mini-tests / quizzes to keep the students on their toes. Observations of students in these sessions is recorded for purpose of real-time assessment.
    • Home Assignments: The purpose of this section of assessment is to –
      • Ensure the student practices / revises what he / she studies “in class”
      • Enable students to visit existing fitness centres / clubs / health resorts and get a “feel of the market” and experience how training is imparted to clients
      • Encourage students to innovate and come up with ideas that may contribute to better training and higher safety standards.
    • Follow-Up: Each day’s training session is followed up with discussions, additional notes on WhatsApp groups and via email.
    • Seminars: After the course is completed, students are invited to attend seminars; topics are discussed in WhatsApp groups, etc to encourage students to apply their learning in practical situations.
    • Post-certification Mentoring & Guidance: Every student is accessible to free guidance and mentoring from the CEO and Heads of Faculties via telephone, WhatsApp and, where possible, through face-to-face interactions.

CCPFT Learning Resources –

  • eBOOKs as per subjects: Students will get soft copies
  • eNotes and practice materials as per subjects: (questionnaires, diet recall sheets, etc. – via email
  • 1,100 exercise videos: accessible through www.gayofitnessacademy.com
  • Online lectures MP4 video files: links to YouTube channel.
  • Study support: through Webinars, WhatsApp, YouTube

At a glance: Syllabus and delivery mode
Level 3 Course
– Theory & Practice of Fitness
– Theory & Practice of Strength
– Anatomy & Physiology
– Kinesiology & Biomechanics
– Fitness Assessment
– Exercise Periodization

Practical training in:
– Advanced Strength Training Level 1
– Functional Strength Training
– Plyometrics for Agility and Power
– Functional Range of Motion
– Fitness Assessment Techniques
– FA-CPR with AED

Level 4 Course
(In addition to Level 3 syllabus)
– Diet & Performance Nutrition
– Muscle Mechanics
– Exercise Physiology
– Exercise & Fitness Psychology
– Fitness for Special Populations
– Business Development & Marketing

– ManTra Exercise & Fitness Psychology

As approved by the University of Mumbai (Vide Univ of Mumbai Letter No. Aff./ICD/16-17/137 dated Oct 20, 2016)



  • Definition of Personal Training
  • History of Personal Training and Fitness
  • Scope of Personal Training
  • Importance of Professional Knowledge and its Delivery
  • Importance of Continuing Education
  • Code of Conduct and “Officer Like Qualities”


  • 16 Types of Fitness Goals
  • 8 Training Technologies
  • Methods of Fitness Assessment
  • Interviewing the Client
  • Building Rapport with Client
  • Motivation and other Exercise Psychology Tools


  • Principles of Periodization
  • Principles of Exercise Training
  • Formats of Exercise – Anaerobic-Aerobic Continuum
  • Fitness for Adults with no Medical or Physical Condition –
    • Muscle Strength
    • Muscle Mass
    • Muscle Endurance
    • Body Fat Loss
    • Flexibility
    • Aerobic Endurance
  • Fitness for Special Populations
    • Children aged 6 to 15
    • Senior Citizens above age 60
    • Clients with following medical conditions
      • Arthritis
      • Asthma
      • Coronary Heart Diseases
      • Diabetes
      • Hypertension
      • Pre-Natal & Post-Natal
      • Renal Conditions
      • Spinal & Back Conditions


    • Training Effect
    • Homeostasis
    • Metabolism
    • Energy Metabolism (Processes)


  • Cells
    • Golgi
    • Mitochondria
  • Tissues
    • Connective Tissue
    • Muscle Tissue
    • Nervous Tissue
  • Body Systems
    • Respiratory System
    • Circulatory System
    • Musculoskeletal System
    • Digestive System
    • Nervous System
    • Endocrine System
  • List of Reference Books

Two of the many books students get!


  • Principles of Kinesiology
  • Biomechanics – Study of Movement
  • Biomechanics – Specializations
  • Allometry
  • Kinesiology of Exercise
  • Muscle Actions


  • Key Concepts
  • Components of Force
  • Newton’s Laws
  • Classes of Levers

Two of the many books students get!

UNIT 1: Nutrition Perspectives


UNIT 2: Nutrition Physiology

  • Cells and Body
  • What is Food?
  • How Digestion Works?
  • Energy Production or Transfer
  • ATP
  • Glycolytic Pathway
  • Oxidative Pathway
  • Pathways from Carbs, Fat, Proteins
  • Calorie & Energy Balance
  • Need for Energy – Metabolic Components
  • Vitamins, Minerals and Energy Balance

UNIT 3: Science of Nutrition

  • Macronutrients
  • Micronutrients
  • Fluid Balance
  • Special Needs

UNIT 4: Approach to Nutrition Counselling

  • Client Goals
  • Calorie Math
  • Limiting Factors
  • Hands-On Portions Guidelines
  • General Guidelines for “Leanness”
  • Advanced Techniques
  • References
  • Tables

Section 1A
UNIT 1: Nature & Scope of Strength
UNIT 2: Origin of Strength Training
UNIT 3: Fundamental Principles of Strength Training
UNIT 4: Types of Strength
UNIT 5: How to improve the Strength Curve
UNIT 6: Principles of Training
UNIT 7: Weight Training Technologies
UNIT 8: Weight Training Basics
UNIT 9: Weider Principles
UNIT 10: Popular Systems of Training

Unit 11: Business Development                                                               

  • Legal Issues
  • Life Skills including communication
  • Marketing including social media and sales conversion techniques
  • Preparation for and negotiation of interviews


  • Module 2:01: “AST 1” Advanced Strength Training – Level 1 (5)
  • Module 2:02: “FST” Functional Strength Training (1)
  • Module 2:03: “FRoM” Functional Range of Motion (1)
  • Module 2:04: “PLY” Plyometrics for Agility & Power (1)
  • Module 2.11: “FAT” Fitness Assessment Tests (1)

MODULE 3 – FACPR+AED First Aid & CPR with AED

  • Module 3.01: Emergency First Aid & CPR with AED
  • Module 3.02: Common Sports & Exercise Injuries


TOTAL: approximately 550 hours.

  • Approximately 330 hours of classroom (onsite) instruction both in theory and practice, subject to batch strength
  • 220 hours of off-site / home assignments


Total Number of Hours:                                                                                     550 Hours

  • Theory 240
  • Practical Training 140 including 15 hours of FA-CPR with AED
  • Self-Study 90 including 30 hours online guidance
  • Home Assignments 60 including 20 hours online guidance
  • Business Development 20


CCPFT MODULE 1                                                                                           Total 240 hours

MODULE 1.1: THEORY & PRACTICE OF FITNESS                                                Total 60 hours

MODULE 1.2A: PRINCIPLES OF ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY                                Total 50 hours


MODULE 1.3: PRINCIPLES OF DIET & PERFORMANCE NUTRITION                     Total 50 hours

MODULE 1.4: THEORY & PRACTICE OF STRENGTH TRAINING                           Total 20 hours


MODULE 2: PRACTICAL TRAINING WORKSHOPS                                         Total 125 hourS


MODULE 3 – “FACPR c AED” First Aid & CPR with AED                                  TOTAL 15 hours


MODULE 4 – Self-Study                                                                                       Total 90 hours

  • Student is expected to practice / revise / study 10 hours per week in addition to Face-to-Face classroom learning.
  • To test Self-Study, Interactive Q&A sessions and “mini” tests will be conducted in between modules.

MODULE 5 – Home study Assignments                                                               Total 60 hours

  • Field projects to be completed in a 30 day’s timeline
  • Video recording of exercises being practiced have to be submitted


MODULE 6 – Business Development                                                                   Total 20 hours

  • Legal Issues
  • Life Skills including communication
  • Marketing including social media and sales conversion techniques
  • Preparation for and negotiation of interviews

All examination question papers including those for home assignments and other sections of the formative and summative examinations or assessments will be set in English.


The Assessments sheets to guide the assessors will be in English.


The student may submit the examinations in full – and not in part – in English or, by prior notice at the time of enrolment to the course and / or through the submission of the enrolment form, in the local language that is understood, read, written and spoken by the majority in the specific batch of students. The students in the minority may make the submissions in English or defer them till such time as there is a batch in which their language is the majority language.


Example: if the batch has 50 students, if more than 25 comprising the majority understand, read, write and speak Malayalam, the students in majority may submit the examinations and assignments in Malayalam and the balance number of students may submit the examinations and assignments in English.



Phase A – Mid-Course: FORMATIVE

  • Practical Home Study Assignment Maximum marks 200     
  1. Student is required to make field visits and submit written observations
  2. Practice exercises from among the exercise formats presented. Video recordings will be submitted for assessments
  • Theory Exam 100 Multiple Choice Questions Maximum marks 100

The subjects covered are: Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology, Principles of Diet & Nutrition Management.

  • Home Practice Questions by way of revision Maximum marks 100


The formative assessments lead to student-specific guidance and mentoring to ensure that each student understands the concepts in Exercise Sciences and meet academic standards of the Academy as also develops the enthusiasm and motivation to do research oriented work that will later help progress in his / her career in the future.


The formative assessments may be considered in cases where the below described summative assessments prove to inadequate to do justice to the student’s overall performance – for example: a case where the student is challenged physically.


Phase B – Course-end” SUMMATIVE

  • Real-time (In-Classroom) Assessment. Maximum marks 100

Student will be assessed for in-classroom interaction, proactive participation in class, punctuality, social skills, etc, on basis of OSCE principles. Knowledge of English and regularity on social media are NOT relevant to this assessment.

  • Theory Exam: 100 Multiple Choice Questions. Maximum marks 100

The online exam is proctored:

  • no major body movements are allowed
  • multiple windows cannot be opened on the device during the course of the examination
  • the answers are automatically tallied and marks allotted accordingly.

The subjects covered will include –

  • Anatomy & Physiology, Kinesiology, Theory and Practice of Fitness and Strength, Diet and Nutrition and other subjects in the syllabus
  • practical training workshops including the theory or “physiologies” underpinning them.
  • Fitness Assessment & Exercise Periodization
  • Home Assignments. Maximum marks 150

The assignments vary from batch to batch and cover topics such as –

  • visit to a gym and analyse the type and number of equipment and its layout
  • a 3-minute video recording of the student explaining a particular weight training exercise – the technique, the muscles engaged, the purpose and benefits of the exercise
  • Write an essay on the benefits of First Aid & CPR and the Indian laws relating to it,
  • Case Study.                                                                                     Maximum marks 200

Student has to select one of two case studies and present and defend it at the time of the viva voce exam.

  • Practical Training Exam – Peer Teaching Lesson. Maximum marks 300

Each student will randomly pick one exercise from a list of 25 exercises and:

  1. Introduce himself / herself
  2. introduce the exercise
  3. demonstrate the exercise
  4. teach it to the “client”
  5. training cues – check for safety, breathing etc
  6. “close” the exercise session.
  • Viva Voce. Maximum marks 150

Oral questions will be asked about the exercise taught, related kinesiology and exercise prescription as mentioned in the Case Study submitted.

TOTAL Marks – 1,000


The summative assessments lead to an objective assessment of the student on the basis of his performance DURING and at the end of the course. It also serves as a source of feedback that our IQA can use for improvements in syllabus and knowledge delivery. This examination process of 1,000 marks is the only mechanism for assessing the students’ performance throughout and at end of the course.


Summative assessment may be used in consultation with the Moderator and the Internal Quality Assurance Committee only in exceptional cases.      



Assessment Grades printed on CCPFT certificates – University of Mumbai.

As percentage (%) of total marks obtained out of maximum 600 marks –

  • Below 49.99% – Grade D (FAIL)
  • 50 – 54.99 – Grade C
  • 55 – 59.99 – Grade B
  • 60 – 69.99 – Grade A
  • 70 – 100 – Grade O (Outstanding)


EREPS Level 4 certificate is granted to students who earn 70% or higher in the examinations.

If the student does not obtain 50% or more in the Level 3 or Level 4 personal trainer exams and / or does obtain 70% or more to qualify for the EREPS Level 4 certificate, he or she will have to pay a re-exam fee as per Academy rules and thereafter re-submit the examination in the next batch / course.

Independent Examiners and Moderators

Assessors are “third party” examiners: they do not teach in the course batch of students being examined. Assessment is carried out by senior tutors who are trained and certified as Level 3 Assessors by Focus Awards (UK).


Each student assessment is “moderated” by a team of three independent moderators one of whom is from the Internal Quality Assurance committee member.


The student may appeal against the result of his examination and his application will be examined by the Committee of Appeals.

The certificates in the Level 3 Gayo Fitness Academy personal fitness trainer course and the Level 4 Gayo Fitness Academy – Mumbai University – EREPS Level 4 course will be awarded according to the Modules enrolled to and the performance in the examinations.

The Gayo Fitness Academy Level 3 and Mumbai University Level 4 certificates will be awarded with the Grade C, B, A or O mentioned in the certificate will be declared FIT To WORK AS PERSONAL TRAINER.

For EREPS eligibility, the student must secure 70% out of the maximum 1,000 marks irrespective of the payment of the requisite Skills India RPL and / or EREPS fee/s or waiver in full or in part thereof.

If the student does not obtain 50% or more in the Level 3 or Level 4 personal trainer exams and / or does obtain 70% or more to qualify for the EREPS Level 4 certificate, he or she will have to pay a re-exam fee as per Academy rules and thereafter re-submit the examination in the next batch / course.

Level 3
A) Gayo Fitness Academy Personal Trainer Certificate
B) Workshop Certificates

  • Advanced Strength Training Level 1 (Weight Training)
  • Functional Strength Training
  • Functional Range of Motion
  • Fitness Assessment Testing


Level 4
All above certificates PLUS
A. Joint Gayo certification with BPCACPE – Mumbai University
B. Workshop Certificates

  • Primary Nutrition Consultant

C. Skills India NSQF Level 4 / RPL certificate
D. EREPS Level 4

The Level 3 and 4 CCPFT and workshop certificates do not have an expiry date. They need not be renewed. However, the certificate holder is advised to earn 30 hours of additional training as Continuing Education Units within every three years.

We answer some frequently asked questions here! Feel free to call us


The Certificate Course for Personal Fitness Trainers.

It is approved and certified as Vocation Course by University of Mumbai. It is conducted by our Academy in partnership with the BPCA’s College of Physical Education.

This is the only personal trainer certificate which is jointly awarded through a top Indian University and internationally accredited.


The full course is about 15 weeks long.


The current fee is ₹60,000. This fee is subject to change. Please check with local Representative and / or Mumbai Head Office for current, valid fee.

Please note that you fee according to the Module/s you select and enrol to.

This fee includes –
– CCPFT course fee
– Examination fee
– Certification fee
– Skills India examination and certification fee
– EREPS Level 4 certification fee


Please click on this link for course content:

CCPFT is deigned on the belief that there are 16 types of fitness and 8 training technologies in each of which there are many exercise formats. Bodybuilding and marathon running are sports – they do not express Fitness as a whole.

Weight Training for bodybuilding is different from weight training for body fat management, for example. Training depends on the client’s fitness goals. We ensure that students develop the skills to help fitness clients achieve their goals safely and scientifically.


The course is conducted as a BLENDED course – that is through:
– Online (Zoom) WEBINARS supported by video content
– Guided Home Study & Practice
– Home Assignments – projects, case studies, etc.
– In-Person (offline) Education & Training. This training is conducted in all our Regional Centers of Excellence, across India. For the list, visit www.gayofitnesscademy.com


– Our theory classes are for –
o Theory & Practice Fitness
o Theory & Practice of Strength
o Fitness for Adults, Children, Senior Citizens and Medical Populations
o Physiology & Kinesiology
o Exercise Kinesiology relating to Exercise Formats we will practice online and offline
–  You have to download the ZOOM app free of cost
– This saves travel energy, time and cost
– All lectures are supported with hundreds of videos – this gives the class a “practical training” feeling
– All lectures are uploaded on YouTube; the links are shared with you; you can revise the lesson as many times as you want
–  Our learning resources – eBOOKS, eNOTES, videos support online learning – you will enjoy this truly CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE


  • What you learn online – you study, revise and practice in your home or gym
  • We are there to guide you during your home study
  • We will send you home assignments.
    • Some of them are written / theory papers.
    • Some may be project reports.
    • You will also have to prepare some case studies.
    • You have to practice exercises – we will ask you send us your videos which we will study and then give you our guidance.


OFFLINE sessions for both the Theory and Practical training will be conducted at selected centers across India as per the events calendar. The course is conducted on periodic basis and there may be time gap between the last batch conducted and the new batch that may start after a few weeks. Keep track of the Events Calendar and / or be in touch with our Education Counsellors


You will be awarded the following certificates:
1) If you are 12th Grade or higher, you have enrolled to the appropriate Modules and you earn the 50% in the examinations, you will Mumbai U – GĀYO – BPCACPE CCPFT – subject to your getting minimum 50% in the overall exams.
2) If you have passed 10th Grade you will be eligible only for the Gayo Fitness Academy personal trainer course.
3) In addition (1) or (2) above, you will receive the following certificates:
a) Primary Nutrition Consultant
b) AST – 1 – Specialist in Advanced Strength Training
c) FST – Specialist in Functional Strength Training
d) PLY – Specialist in Plyometrics for Agility & Power
e) FROM – Specialist in Functional Range of Motion
f) FAT – Competency in Fitness Assessment & Testing
g) FA CPR – Emergency First Aid & CPR with AED
3) Skills India RPL / NSQF Level 4 – if you have selected this Module.
4) EREPS Level 4 – if you have selected this Module.


The Mumbai U CCPFT certificate is NOT renewable.
But you are expected to do additional education and training of at least 30 hours every three years from the date of the certificate. We call these 30 hours as 30 CEUs.

The First Aid & CPR certificate must be renewed every 3 years.

Please note that all employers and international accreditation agencies will pay attention to your timely and complete CEUs.

The EREPS Level 4 certificate must be renewed every year. There is no requirement of CEUs for this.

The Skills India NSQF / RPL does not require renewal.


Though the CCPFT certificate is not renewable – there is no expiry date – the certificate holder, it is RECOMMENDED, must attend at least 30 hours of additional training every three years after issue date of certificate.

The training programs attended in order to continue education or progress your career may be in bodybuilding, strength & conditioning, nutrition, sports psychology and any other subject which will help you update professional knowledge.

The EREPS and other accreditation certifications like UAE REPS, etc., as applicable, will need to be renewed as per their rules.

The objective of Continuing Education or Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is encourage certificate holders to regularly add their professional knowledge and training skill sets. This will sharpen their competitive edge in the marketplace. Learn something new related to Fitness and deliver it to your clients!


The course is approved and certificated by the University of Mumbai which is accredited in Grade A by the National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC), Government of India. Under the approval of Mumbai University, we conduct the course in partnership with BPCA’s College of Physical Education which is permanently affiliated to the University.

India does not have a national Fitness Industry or Association which can establish standards of fitness education and training, code of practice, etc. (like the Indian Medical Association, for example).

We thus believe that aligning with one of the best, nationally respected Universities is the only way to establish best practices in fitness education and training on basis of the highest academic standards in India.

By virtue of the University recognition, CCPPFT is accepted across India in both private and government sectors.


Our CCPFT personal trainer course is “COMPOSITE Level 3 + Level 4”.

It is accredited at Level 4 by the European Register of Exercise Professionals – EREPS.

Our faculty is trained and certified as Level 3 Tutors, Assessors and Internal Quality Assurers by Focus Awards (UK).

As such our CCPFT is the QUALIFICATION certificate while EREPS Level 4 is the accreditation certificate which proves the CCPFT is internationally Level 4.

Both these certificates have to presented abroa for converting to local country’s REPS license. For example, in UAE, the CCPFT and EREPS certificates must be presented to UAE REPS office which then


Yes, you can do the same course but you will get only the Gayo Fitness Academy personal trainer certificate and the Workshop certificates as listed above.


Once you enroll to the course, you are member of our FAMILY of GĀYO FITNESS ACADEMY.

We will guide you – free of cost – in:
– Academic studies
– Client training
– Business development
– Legal issues


EREPS is Europe Active Register of Exercise Professionals set up by Europe Active under the auspices of European Union in Brussels, Belgium. http://www.ereps.eu/

EREPS has over 40 countries as members – including Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Spain, UAE and UK. It has a presence in iover 80 countries

1) EREPS is the world’s largest REPS system. It covers all 30 countries in the European Union – including France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Italy, etc. Your personal trainer certificate is valid for jobs in these countries subject to language skills, immigration laws, employment opportunities, etc)
2) Your name and contact details will be listed as Level 4 personal trainer on the EREPS website in Brussels, Belgium. You will receive Level 4 certification directly from EREPS, Brussels.
3) EREPS and Mumbai University certificates mean –
a) You have been delivered professional knowledge more than sufficient for successful career anywhere in the world
b) You have been given knowledge in classroom / actual training
c) Your knowledge has been examined according to highest standards of Mumbai University and EREPS
d) Your certificates show that you are ready to work as world class personal trainer
e) Your certification comes from Government of India’s NAAC A-5 Star accredited Mumbai University on basis of knowledge delivered by Gayo Fitness Academy and BPCACPE accredited in “A” Grade by NAAC.

University of Mumbai CCPFT syllabus
(Vide Univ of Mumbai Letter No. Aff./ICD/16-17/137 dated Oct 20, 2016)
COURSE 1: Anatomy & Physiology of Human Body OF HUMAN BODY

1. Introduction to Human Anatomy and Energy System
2. Skeletal System and Muscular System
3. Respiratory System
4. Cardiovascular System

1. Muscular System
2. Respiratory System
3. Cardiovascular System
4. Energy System

1. Muscular System
2. Respiratory System
3. Cardiovascular System
4. Energy System

1. Cardio/Aerobic Training (Continuous Training, Interval Training, Fartlek Training, Circuit Training and Aerobic Cross Training)
2. Resistance / Weight Training
3. Traditional Methods of Fitness Training
4. Thera ball Training
5. Pilates

COURSE 2: Principles of Kinesiology & Biomechanics


1. Meaning, scope and importance of kinesiology in Health Fitness
2. Aim, objectives and need of kinesiology
3. Role of Kinesiological in Exercise and Sports
4. Kinesiological and movement analysis

1. Balance and Stability
2. Applied Weights and Resistances
3. Motion (Newton’s laws) and Levers: Classification
4. Application of Biomechanical Principles to Activity – Walking – Running – Lifting and Body Mechanics

1. Postural Deformities (Types, Causes and Remedies & Prevention)
2. Definitions and Mechanics of Stretch and Flexibility (Stretch Reflex)
3. Types of Stretching – Static Stretching – Ballistic Stretching – Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)- Contraction- Relaxation
4. Factor Affecting Flexibility and Principles of Stretching

1. Flexibility Training – Active Stretch – Passive Stretch – Sports Specific Stretches – Stretches with Thera ball, Functional Range of Motion
2. Functional Training and Pilates
3. Plyometric for Power and Agility
4. Sports Yoga
5. Water Fitness

COURSE 3: Principles & Theory of Personal Fitness Training

1. Health Screening
2. Informed Consent
3. Risk Stratification
4. Documentation and Legal Issue

1. Components of Exercise Prescription
2. Principles of Cardiorespiratory Endurance Exercise
3. Strength Training Principles
4. Flexibility Training

1. Basic and Advance Training Principles
2. Learning Your Body Type
3. Periodisation- Basic, Advanced and Competition Training Programming
4. Exercise Prescription and Scheduling
5. Exercise components
6. Strength Training Exercises (upper body and lower body)
7. Scheduling Principles

1. Standard Measurements (Height, Weight, Heart Rate and Blood Pressure)
2. Body Composition
3. Cardiorespiratory Endurance Tests (Field tests, Treadmill tests and Step tests)
4. Strength and Muscular Endurance Flexibility Test

COURSE 4: Basic Nutrition, Weight Management, Safety & Injury Management

1. Basic Nutrition
a. Macro Nutrient
b. Micro Nutrient
c. Fluids
2. Nutritional Supplements and Effect on performance
3. Nutrition Management
4. Estimating adequate daily Energy Intake

1. Weight Related Term
2. Relation of Body Composition to Health
3. Body Fat Distribution Pattern and modifying Body Composition
4. Inappropriate Methods of Weight Loss and Female Athlete Triad

2. Potential Sources of Risk
3. Safety in The Fitness Centre
a. Creating a safe Environment
b. Equipment – Furniture and Fixture – Supplies and Small Equipment
4. Proper Documentation
5. Sports Injury
a. Tissue Injury – Tissue Reaction to Injury Inflammation and the Healing Process
b. Treatment – Follow-Up Treatment – Rehabilitation
c. Upper Extremity Condition – Lower Extremity Condition
d. Environmental Impact on Injuries

1. Exercise with Special Population
a. Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus and Arthritis
b. Senior Adults Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation and Hyperlipidaemia
c. Youth Exercise, Osteoporosis, Asthma and Obesity
d. Pregnancy (by Trimester) and Orthopaedic Injuries and Disorder
2. Calculation of Daily Calories requirement
3. Menu Planning
4. Designing Balance Diet for Sedentary and Sports people

  • FEES
    1. The CCPFT Fee is the fee I shall pay for the entire course including theory and practical training, eBOOKS, examinations and certification as published on gayofitnessacademy.com and as shared through social and other media from time to time.
    2. The National Skills Qualification (NSQF) LEVEL 4 CERTIFICATION (SPEFL-SC / SKILLS INDIA RPL), EREPS Level 4, and further certification/s under current and / or proposed EREPS, Focus Awards (UK) and other international accreditations is / are OPTIONAL Fee/s. However, GFARC reserves the right to structure the Fee/s and charge the same to the students as deemed fit from time to time
    3. The Total Composite CCPFT Fee is the total of the CCPFT Fee and the Optional Fee/s payable as published from time to time.
    4. I will pay the CCPFT fee in full and final settlement seven working days before the date of the commencement of the CCPFT course.
    5. I will pay the Optional Fee/s at least 15 days in advance of the commencement of the training program or examination or certification as applicable.
    6. Upon my request and application to GFARC, I may be allowed to pay the CCPFT Fee in equated monthly instalments (EMIs) or according to Module/s that I attend under below-mentioned conditions:
      1. The number of EMIs and / or the Modules will be determined and permitted solely by GFARC and their decision will be final.
      2. I will not be eligible to discounts.
  • I will pay fee for each of the CCPFT Modules at a rate which is higher than the Module fee charged pro rata in and as part of the CCPFT Fee,
  1. The Fee/s as above is / are liable to change without prior notice due to circumstances beyond GFARC’s control.
  2. The above fee/s may vary from state to state due to additional programs / workshops and / or translation services provided.
  3. I have ascertained and I accept the fee amount/s at the time of this enrolment and I shall pay accordingly.
  4. I promise to pay as per the schedule of payments as laid down by GFARC.
  5. Delay or default in my payment of fee will lead to –
    1. cancellation of enrolment, before commencement of course, and the fee I have paid will be refunded to me after deduction of an administrative charge of ₹2,500/-.
    2. after commencement of the theory module of the CCPFT course in which I have attended at least one but not more than three online theory lectures, I will be refunded the fee after deduction of ₹5,000/-.
  • after commencement of the theory module of the CCPFT course in which I have attended at four or more online theory lectures and, thereafter, I wish to discontinue my enrolment I will not be eligible for any refund whatsoever irrespective of the reason for the discontinuation save at the discretion of GFARC.
  1. and the amount so paid may be adjusted against future continuation in the next CCPFT batch within a time limit of 12 months from the date of completion of the CCPFT batch in which I am currently enrolled.
  2. after commencement of the practical training module of CCPFT in which I have attended at least one day of practical training, the fee I have paid will be adjusted against number of course days / workshops attended.
  3. I will follow the prescribed procedure/s for the application of course enrolment, discontinuation and refund if any and transfer to the next CCPFT batch and the GFARC’s decision in this regard will be final.
  1. GFARC will levy additional fees as follows.
  1. In the event of failure to attend and / or submit any or all of the Theory Examination, Home Study Assignments, Case Study, Viva Voce and Practical Teaching Assessment on the scheduled date and time, the student will
    1. submit the Home Study Assignments and / or appear for the required Examination, Viva Voce and Practical Teaching Assignment with the next batch of CCPFT course, and
    2. pay a re-appearance of fee of ₹1,500.
  2. Assessment Grade Appeal Procedure and Fee.

If student wants to appeal against the Course Assessment Grade, he / she will

  1. Submit Appeal Against Grade form
  2. Pay Appeals fee as per section requested for re-evaluation:

– Home Assignments @Fee of ₹1,500/-

– Theory Examination @Fee of ₹2,000/-

– Practical Assessment & Viva Voce Marks @Fee ₹2,500/-

Option for All Sections Fee@ ₹6,000/-

  1. Student’s performance along with necessary documents will be placed before the Appeals Committee in their next available meeting.
  2. The Student’s Dossier on the website (linked through the QR code on certificate) will show the following remark: “Awarded grade is currently suspended pending confirmation, upgrade or downgrade after Appeal Against Grade is decided.”
  3. Performance will be re-evaluated. There will be one of 3 decisions:
    1. Upgrade according re-evaluated marking
    2. Downgrade according to re-evaluated marking
    3. Maintain same grade
  4. The Appeals Adjudication process may take as long as eight to ten weeks.
  5. The decision of Appeals Committee will be final. Their decision will be posted in the dossier on the website.
  6. In case of any Upgrade / Downgrade, the currently graded certificate has to be returned to the Head Administrative Office Mumbai before issuance of fresh certificate.


  1. Re-Exam fee
    1. The additional fee will be payable on this account if the student has not earned more than 50% in each of the Assessment and Examination sections. The student will be the informed of his / her performance results through the Performance Letter.
    2. The Re-Exam fee will be payable for each of the Sections in which the student has to be re-examined.
    3. The Re-Exam fee will be Rupees Two Thousand and Five Hundred only (₹2,500/-) per each section of the examination – that is, Home Assignments, Theory exam (online or offline), Case Study and Viva Voce and Practical Teaching Assessment.
    4. In case of failure to obtain 70% or more to qualify for the EREPS Level 4 certificate, the student will pay Re-Exam fee of Rupees Five Thousand only (₹7,500/-) and reappear in the Theory exam, Case Study and Viva Voce and Practical Teaching Assessment.


  1. Issue of Duplicate Certificate
    1. The student may be issued with a DUPLICATE copy of the ORIGINAL certificate if the latter is LOST or DESTROYED provided the student –
      • Pays the fee of Rupees Five Thousand Only (₹5,000/-) and
      • Submits an affidavit on legal stamp paper (value of Rupees One Hundred Only) to the effect that since the ORIGINAL certificate is lost student requests for the issuance of a DUPLICATE and student will be responsible for all legal and financial consequences of both the ORIGINAL and DUPLICATE are in simultaneous possession and / or circulation with other persons.


  1. Renewal or “updation” of CCPFT Certificate
    1. In the case of a student holding a Course Certificate with an expiry date and wanting to replace it with a fresh Certificate without an expiry date, the student will pay –
    2. Rupees Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Only (₹2,500) + 18% GST in case the ORIGINAL certificate is still within the expiry date
    3. Rupees Three Thousand Five Hundred Only (₹3,500) + 18% GST in case the ORIGINAL Certificate has expired
    4. The Certificate will be thus updated (revised) only after the –
      1. Payment of the above fee
      2. Submission of the ORIGINAL Course Certificate to our Admin Office in Mumbai.
      3. Taxes and course related costs may be additionally payable.
    5. Discounts

Provided, before enrolment, documentary evidence is submitted to the satisfaction of GFARC and fee is paid in full in one sum, students in following categories may be eligible for discounts:

  1. 5% discount to ISSA / GFARC students and certificate-holders enrolled through GFARC.
  2. 5% discount to international / national level sports persons (in IOC recognized sports disciplines) in any age grouping in last two years before course commencement date.
  3. 10% discounts to physically challenged persons.
  4. Special discounts will be applicable to BPCACPE students / alumni as per discretion of Principal, BPCACPE.
  5. Two or more discount categories cannot be clubbed together – only one is available. GFARC reserves the right to decide quantum of discount.
  1. Learning Resources

The Course Fee includes the cost of all eBOOKS (soft copies of books in PDF format) and access to exercise videos through Google Drive or GFARC website.

  1. If the student wants the textbooks in the form of hard copies, a fee of Rupees Three Thousand Only (₹3,000/-) will be levied.
  2. This fee includes courier charges.
  • This fee will be paid at any time during the conduct of the Course.
  1. The payment will be made as described in Clause 1(n) to (s).


  1. Payment Procedure
    1. All fees will be payable to the bank account of GFARC.
    2. The mode of payment will be as per the directions of the GFARC and may be through the mode/s of NEFT or UPI or cheque to GFARC or any other authorized payee.
  • GFARC will issue one and final consolidated receipt for the total full and final payment at the end of the course. The end of the course is the date on which the course completion and passing certificate is issued subject to the intervening end of the financial year and accounting requirements.
  1. All payments will be made to our GFARC bank account or to the account of any other party / payee as expressly authorized to accept and receive the fees on GFARC’s behalf.
  2. Student must verify the authorization of the other party / payee before making payment and GFARC will NOT be responsible for payments by student to any unauthorized payee irrespective of whether the other party / payee is our representative or not.
  3. After the payment is made, the student must communicate to our Accounts Office in Mumbai the payment transaction details in the following format:
  • Name of student
  • Course / Exam name
  • Amount of Payment
  • Date of Payment
  • Bank from which payment made
  • Name of person from whose account payment is made
  • Payment Transaction reference number
  • Screenshot of payment
  • Total Payable
  • Balance payable if any


  1. Complimentary courses / certifications
    1. GFARC may offer to its students from time to offer certain courses and / or certifications including Skills India RPL and / or EREPS Level 4.
    2. This complimentary facility will be introduced, continued and discontinued at the discretion of GFARC.
    3. The duration of the complimentary facility and the timing of the grant of the facility is entirely at the discretion of GFARC.
    4. GFARC also retains the right to refuse the grant of any complimentary facility on grounds of indiscipline, poor performance in terms of grades, etc.
    5. As this facility is NOT paid for by the student, GFAR’s decisions in the matter will be final and absolute.


  • Academics
    1. I strictly meet the pre-enrolment criteria including minimum education qualification of 10 + 2 failing which I will be barred from the enrolment.
    2. I agree to abide by the rules relating to education & training, examination / assessment leading to certification for CCPFT.
  • As per CCPFT requirements, I will attend practical training and teaching assessment and submit video recordings of assignments and undergo evaluations / examinations. I agree to and permit the said video recording/s and / or my personal and academic records to be shared with other academic bodies for only confidential academic purposes and not for commercial or public use or display.
  1. I accept that CCPFT and other certificates will be awarded only upon successful completion of the training, assignments and examinations, minimum attendance and OSCE evaluation, according to academic standards published on www.gayofitnessacademy.com, provided I have paid the fee is paid in full.
  2. I agree to renew, on my own at my own expense, CCPFT / EREPS / other related certifications and First Aid & CPR certificate before date of certificate expiry by attending continuing education workshops / seminars if any and by paying the requisite renewal fee as at the time of renewal. The renewal fees are not included in the Total Composite CCPFT Fee.
  3. I undertake to comply with the rules and regulations of BPCACPE / GFARC / EREPS and other accreditation bodies in connection with my CCPFT as also comply with regulations of training centre / facility / premises where I will attend CCPFT training program /course failing which I alone will be responsible for loss of or damage to person / property in the said centre / facility / premises and neither GFARC nor its officers nor teaching faculty will be held liable for the same.


  • General
    1. I understand and accept that during the CCPFT training, I may suffer from exercise-related or non-exercise related or other injury / accident. I have enrolled to the training program / course having convinced myself that GFARC and its training faculty and training facility providers have exercised due diligence in ensuring a safe training program. I will not hold them responsible in any manner for the injury to me or damage to my property.
    2. I authorize GFARC to receive / archive / courier / email my CCPFT / GFARC / EREPS / other certificate/s and learning resources, etc on my behalf and this will not be considered as breach of confidentiality.
  • WAIVER. [Strike off which is not relevant from below – (a) or (b). In case of (b) attach doctor’s certificate.]
  1. I solemnly affirm that I suffer from no medical condition or illness in body and mind.
  2. In case I suffer from any medical condition, I promise to submit within seven days of this enrolment my medical doctor’s certificate confirming that I am fit to enrol to and participate in your training program/s without which I will not be enrolled to CCPFT.
  3. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER: I have referred to terms & conditions, specific warranties and disclaimers for and on each training program / course and related learning resources. The enrolment to and / or purchase of training programs / courses (DVD, manual and attending the live training program) and possessing, using and / or allowing the use thereof indicates and confirms my acceptance of and agreement with these Terms and Conditions.
  4. General. In case of any issue not covered above, GFARC’s decision will final in the matter.

I have studied and I now accept unconditionally the above Terms and Conditions specific to the CERITIFCATE COURSE FOR PERSONAL FITNESS TRAINERS – CCPFT – course and accordingly enrol to the said CCPFT.